Eternal Empire: Warrior Eras

Explore empire building and multi-time and universe battles.


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Welcome to the fascinating world of Eternal Empire - where you embark on a multiverse adventure journey, summon warriors, build your empire, battle monsters across different eras, evolve through various universes, uncover time and space mysteries, and become your own mythical commander! Have you ever become a true warrior in multiple universes? How do mermaids fight to reclaim the underwater city? Are aliens real? How will you overcome the dark depths of hell? You - a talented commander, a brave explorer who has crossed the boundaries of space and time, from dark underwater cities to distant planets in the vast universe. On your journey, you face difficult challenges, confront monsters from each era, and explore secrets hidden deep within the universe. Are you ready to become your own knight? Why not start your journey now? Key Features: Conquer diverse worlds, each bringing unique challenges and opportunities to develop your strategic talents. Fight terrifying monsters in legendary eras. Experience different stages in history, from prehistoric times to the future in each world theme. Explore diverse maps with increasing difficulty, requiring you to use tactics and skills to overcome them. Each map is a separate universe, immersing you in thrilling and dramatic adventures. Summon powerful warriors to build a strong army. Use gold to buy food and upgrade the fortress's defenses, as well as develop and evolve your warriors to cope with any challenge. Start your journey today and become a mythical commander in Eternal Empire's multiverse world! Note: We continue to test, modify, and update Eternal Empire continuously to provide the best experience for players. Therefore, new levels, features, or content may appear and change between versions. Always check the latest updates to not miss out on anything new and exciting! Questions? Check our online support portal: [email protected]



May 28, 2024

Last Updates

What's New in Version 1.1.12: » Update eventYear 2025 » Update Game UI and Game level » Optimized Gaming Experience Rate us and leave your review. Thanks again!






  • No ads best game you don't have to. Pay good music good background nice feeling and it's not that hard to get good if you want some add that helps a bit with it to get things set like more energy and stuff if you want an ad you can get that but there's no pop-up ads nice features is the nice game show download..,..,.,....... ..........


    Steven Brand

  • One of the worst design games of this type with nothing but ad watching required to progress at any decent rate. The early game was just awful in every way, I can't believe a human being designed this trash. Got to be AI...


    kevin sayers

  • Basically, it's an ad farm disguised as a game. The ads are all obnoxious in how they take so long, have so many false close outs, and randomly open the Play Store just in case you need to be tricked into downloading. What happened to the 15-30 second ads that you could just ignore and then close. Hard pass, deleting immediately.


    Cody Zilinski

  • Nothing like the advertisements. It's just a copy of We Are Warriors. Which I was playing when this came up as an ad. It's not about zombies, as the ad suggests. You fight people with the same troops as you. Show what the game really is. What a disappointment. I thought I was going to find another game I could play other than We Are Warriors. Kinda defeats the purpose when the game is a direct ripoff of that one.


    Kayla Bartley

  • Good way to kill time. However it's quite annoying that you can't kill ranged units when attacking the other side's base because they hide inside. Wouldn't be such an issue if you can use that trick to, but you can't because your base base health is 2 (aka 1 hit from anything)


    Long Phan (Long Phan)

  • Is probably one of the funnest mobile games I have ever found in my entire life I grinded this game so far I've unlocked every single level to the point where I went back to the original level just to see how easy it is I love this game keep up the good work guys


    Elijah Muniz

  • The game does not reflect the ads AT ALL. It's just another one of those copy past evolution tower defense games with egregious hand holding. In fact, I'm writing this review right now just to waste time, so the 5 minutes of free 2x speed goes away so I can play at my own pace. Anyway. Uh, look at this face 👁👄👁



  • It's a sad excuse for a game with so much potential wasted. The framework is there, but it requires you to watch ads to get anywhere at a reasonable pace. Also, when you rank up your civilization, it resets all of your previous stats you worked on upgrading. 2 stars because it has potential but -3 stars because you have to watch "optional" ads every 30 seconds. Ads are even built into the quest system. What were they thinking. smh


    Uber Destruction

  • The game really pushes you to watch ads. I don’t mind watching a few here and there, but there’s an ad at the start of the level to get resources, there’s an ad to make the gameplay 2x speed. There’s an ad at the end of the level to double your rewards. It’s just ads ads ads!


    Phil Tsang

  • Being able to use skills multiple times puts this game above similar games. I also like how you can both level up and rank up the active skills, both of which have a pretty dramatic impact on gameplay and decision making.


    Vanessa H

  • A very fun little game and a considerably more well thought out and laid out version of this style of game. If you're into the 2 bases on the sides of the screen type of strategy games then I highly recommend this one.


    Mimi Jones
